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Comic : The Window - Part 1(Free) HD

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Geliştirici: Locus Publishing Company

《the window》is the story created by Sean Chuang, a commercial film director and comic artist from Taiwan. It took him ten years to finish this work, which he pays his homage to Bande Dessines and European scenery.

Once upon a time, somewhere in south Europe, an ordinary small town, there is a girl on the wheelchair, she could not move out her room. The window is her only connection to the world. Meeting a grocery store boy by accident, he took her to find a bigger world. Then the war cames…….

It’s a story without dialogue, a comic with the rhythm of poem.
Which win the prix of best comic 2009 in Taiwan.

此書為廣告導演小莊, 繼1996年成名作漫畫<廣告人手記>後,十年磨一劍的漫畫作品。
故事敍述, 歐洲一小城中,雜貨店送貨小弟及跛足女孩的淡淡戀情。跛足女孩透過窗戶,看見這小鎮的生活瑣事;送貨小弟改裝了單車,載女孩出遊: 原來小城生活不只是窗戶一隅,騎的越高時,景緻雲彩均為之開闊。

此书为广告导演小庄, 继1996年成名作漫画<广告人手记>后,十年磨一剑的漫画作品。
故事叙述, 欧洲一小城中,杂货店送货小弟及跛足女孩的淡淡恋情。跛足女孩透过窗户,看见这小镇的生活琐事;送货小弟改装了单车,载女孩出游: 原来小城生活不只是窗户一隅,骑的越高时,景致云彩均为之开阔。